Contact Us

Contact for Inquiries

The following is the contact information for inquiries about the World BOSAI Forum 2023.
We would appreciate it if you could send your inquiries by email whenever possible, rather than by phone, as our office staff are limited and may be required to be working from home.

World BOSAI Forum Secretariat

Address International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University, 468-1 Aoba, Aramaki-Aza, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-0845, Japan
TEL +81-22-263-1688 (weekdays from 10:00 to 17:00)

General Inquiries


Inquiries about registration


Inquiries about donations / sponsorship


Inquiries about World BOSAI EXPO / BOSAI Week


Other, general Inquiries about the World BOSAI Forum Foundation