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[S-06] Resilient ICT for Sustainable Society -R&D, Demonstration, and Deployment-


Fri. March 10, 2023 12:40-14:10
Sendai International Center
Conference Bldg 2F - Tachibana Conference Hall (Room2)


Organizer National Institute of Information and Communications Technology


  • Information and Communications Technology
  • Resilience
  • Sustainability


In a society strongly dependent on ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) systems, we need to build more resilient ICT systems to make our societies more resilient. In this session, leading research experts in this field from Japan, Malaysia, and Thailand will provide three state-of-the-art technologies with demonstrations and show their use cases. The first is “NerveNet”, a technology for resilient information sharing and communication in a local area without using the Internet or cloud services. Disasters often destroy public communication networks, causing suspension of communication services. NerveNet could be a solution to such cases. The second is “Visual IoT”, which offers high-quality, low-latency visual monitoring at a very low-cost using consumer-grade IP network cameras via a cellular connection. By implementing AI analysis functionalities, Visual IoT allows detection and tracking of fires, floods, landslides, volcanic smoke, weather, vehicle traffic etc., thus enabling city-scale visual monitoring. The last is “Infra-sound sensing”, which has potential to capture air vibrations caused by tsunami or eruptions originating far from monitoring equipment. This technology has succeeded in capturing infrasound generated by the Tonga submarine volcanic eruption. We welcome any with an interest in these three technologies and welcome future cooperation and collaborations in any fashion. Don’t miss this promising opportunity!


Inoue Masugi
Owada Yasunori
Mau Luen Tham
Murata Takeshi
Tungpimolrut Kanokvate
Nishimura Ryouichi
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