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[S-08] Transdisciplinary Approach Toward Innovative Recovery and Disaster Risk Reduction


Fri. March 10, 2023 16:00-17:30
Sendai International Center
Conference Bldg 2F - Tachibana Conference Hall (Room2)


Organizer "TC21 / Technical Committee of ACECC (The Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council)
(Co-chaired by Japan Society of Civil Engineers and Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers)"


  • Transdisciplinary Approach
  • Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Recovery / Reconstruction


This session presents the actual cases of TDA; Transdisciplinary Approach in Asia. TDA is a concept for optimizing and empowering the organizational structure, consisting of different disciplines and sectors, to implement scientific-knowledge-based decision-making for disaster risk reduction (DRR). It is proposed that application of TDA will make planning, designing, and implementation of DRR go beyond the limit of disciplinary knowledge and sectoral capacities, thereby creating innovative means to develop holistic and transformative solutions. In the session, the panelists from various countries will introduce several cases of disaster recovery/reconstruction in the Asian region and illustrate how TDA worked in the actual cases. Based on the introduction, participants will discuss importance and necessity of TDA. The discussions will contribute to achieve the goals of Sendai Framework, especially in risk governance to establish collaborative mechanisms.


Mikio Ishiwatari
Hon. Romeo S. MOMO
Rajib Shaw
Miho Ohara
Khamarrul Azahari Razak
Masashi Inoue
Xiang Zheng
Mikio Ishiwatari
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