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[S-11] Leave No One Behind: Aiming for Corporate Cooperation in Disaster Relief


Fri. March 10, 2023 14:20-15:50
Sendai International Center
Conference Bldg 2F -Hagi Conference Hall (Room3)


Organizer Study Group to Improve Disaster Prevention and Disaster Assistance 


  • disaster relief
  • Collaboration Among Corporations,


We are a joint study group of several private companies and nonprofits with the goal of providing disaster relief so that no one is left behind. We hold monthly "Disaster Prevention Study Groups" under the theme of "What kind of support can be provided beyond the boundaries of organizations in the event of a disaster? The group holds monthly "Disaster Prevention Study Groups" under the theme of "How can we provide support beyond the boundaries of our organizations in the event of a disaster? The aim is to create a collective impact in disaster management by leveraging the connections made during normal times in the study group and sharing the knowledge and skills that each organization has. In this forum, we will discuss the knowledge and issues each company has gained through these efforts, as well as the "corporate cooperative support training" that we are considering for social implementation in the future.


Miura Takuya
Jyunichi Yazaki
Kitamura Tsuyoshi
Yamauchi Koji
Furuya Miwa
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