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Special Session on the Turkey-Syria Earthquake.


We would like to express our deepest sympathies to the victims of the Turkey-Syria Earthquake and sincerely hope for the earliest possible recovery of the affected areas.
The earthquake that occurred on February 6 in southeastern Turkey caused serious damage to both Turkey and Syria.
In light of the earthquake, the WBF will hold a special session on the Turkey-Syria Earthquake on March 11.
Sat. March 11, 2023 18:20 - 20:20
Sendai International Center
Conference Bldg 2F - Tachibana Conference Hall (Room2)


Organizer Co-creation Center for Disaster Resilience, International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University



The 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck southern Turkey on March 6 and subsequent earthquakes have so far killed a combined total of more than 50,000 people in Turkey and Syria. As of February 24, the Turkish government has revealed that at least 173,000 buildings had collapsed or were threatened by the earthquake. In this special session on the Turkish earthquake, Associate Professor Fatih Sutcu of Istanbul Technical University, who holds a doctorate from Tohoku University and was involved in the on-site survey of the earthquake, will give a keynote speech on the current situation. Faculty members from the International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University will make presentations on what academia can contribute at this time, and disaster risk reduction experts from JICA will talk about the prospects for recovery and reconstruction in Turkey followed by a panel discussion.


Gretchen Kalonji

Director, Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction, Sichuan University-Hong Kong Polytechnic University



  • 18:20Introduction by the Moderator
  • 18:25Opening Remarks:
    Shin’ichi Egawa, Professor, International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University (Director, Co-creation Center for Disaster Resilience)
  • 18:30Keynote Speech (video):
    Fatih Sutcu, Associate Professor, Istanbul Technical University
  • 18:50Comments:
    Kohju Ikago, Professor, International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University
  • 19:05Remote Sensing on the Damage:
    Shun’ichi Koshimura, Professor, International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University
  • 19:20Build Back Better for Turkey:
    Taichi Minamitani, Director, Global Environment Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency
  • 19:35Build Back Better for Turkey:
    Kimio Takeya, Distinguished Technical Advisor on Disaster Risk Reduction, Japan International Cooperation Agency
  • 19:50Panel Discussion
    moderated by Gretchen Kalonji
  • 20:15Closing remarks:
    Shinnichi Kuriyama, Professor, International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University
  • 20:20Adjourn
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