World BOSAI Award

World BOSAI Award

About World BOSAI Award

The World BOSAI Forum shall award the World BOSAI Award to an outstanding individual or organization that has made a significant contribution to disaster risk reduction at home and abroad, whose activities and experiences are useful for disaster risk reduction in other parts of the world, and whose story should be handed down to posterity.

World BOSAI Award Award Ceremony

日時 Fri. March 10 9:15 - 9:45 (WBF2023 Pre-opening)
Venue Sendai International Center - Conference Bldg 2F Main Hall


The late Kohtoku Wamura

Area Japan
Career Former Mayor of Fudai Village, Iwate Prefecture
Achievement Kohtoku Wamura devoted himself to disaster risk recuction in the village and saved many lives, homes, and properties by constructing the Fudai Sluice Gate.
Heserved as mayor of Fudai Village for 10 terms over 40 years from 1947, and despite opposition from local residents, he insisted on the necessity of the Fudai Sluice Gate and built it. 27 years later, when the Great East Japan Earthquake struck, the Fudai Sluice Gate significantly reduced tsunami damage to the village, and the number of deaths and residential flooding within the village were reduced to zero.
Proxy Recipient Close relative of Yukitoku Wamura, current mayor of Fudai Village

The late John Calvin Coolidge, Jr

Area USA
Career The 30th president of the United States
Achievement He made efforts to support the affected areas beyond national borders.
John Calvin Coolidge, Jr served as the 30th President of the United States from 1923, and when the Great Kanto Earthquake occurred, which caused extensive damage in Japan, he quickly decided to provide assistance to Japan. He provided relief supplies, manpower, and approximately $12 million in aid.
Proxy Recipient Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation