World Bosai EXPO

World Bosai EXPO Exhibitor

District Continuity Managemant

Corporate disaster prevention sustains the community.



District Continuity Management

Community continuity centered around the Chamber of Commerce.

The early resumption of business operations by companies after a disaster is directly linked to the sustainability of the community. Especially during large-scale disasters, the capacity of government responses is limited, making it effective for the community to come together.
We believe that a "preparedness for mutual assistance" centered around the "Chamber of Commerce" is crucial for community continuity, and we support the establishment of such a system.



Liquefaction Mitigation Measures for Existing Facilities and Surrounding Ground

JETCRETE is a jet grouting technique (a cylindrical ground improvement) for liquefaction mitigation, seismic reinforcement, and enhancing load-bearing capacity of existing buildings.
With its ""custom-made system,"" we offer optimal solutions tailored to client needs.

・We have small jetting machine that can perform ground improvement from inside the existing buildings and factories.
・High performance and efficiency enable CO₂ emission reduction, shorten construction period, and cost savings.

Organization District Continuity Managemant
Information This is a general incorporated association established in 2009 by 3 companies with advanced disaster prevention technology: "OYO Corporation" "Chemical Grouting Co., Ltd.," and "Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd."
Our mission is to improve community disaster resilience with the principle of "collaborating among businesses, residents, and government to create a disaster-resistant community."
We focus on "corporate disaster prevention," proposing activities such as disaster prevention lectures, the development of "BCP" for companies and chambers of commerce, etc.
Person in-charge Yuya Matsuda
TEL 03-6703-6807
Address Kasumigaseki Building 3-2-5,Kasumigaseki,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo, Japan