World Bosai EXPO

World Bosai EXPO Exhibitor

National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)

Introducing NICT's R & D results related to disaster prevention



Multiple sound spot synthesis technology

A sound field control technology that can creates different sounds at different zones

Although sound waves normally spread in all directions, this technology uses multiple loudspeakers to cancel out unwanted sound waves and make them inaudible while synthesizing a sound only to a specific area. It is also possible to synthesize different sounds to multiple areas. This technology can be applied to create "new sound spaces" in various fields such as exhibition booths, entertainment facilities, automated vehicles, and hazardous areas.
It is expected to have a wide range of applications in the field of disaster prevention in the future, such as evacuation guidance in multiple languages in the event of a disaster or delivering voice only to specific people without contact for preventing infectious diseases.

Organization National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Information In close collaboration with Tohoku University, The National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) established a world-leading research center named "Resilient ICT Research Center" on April 1, 2012 in Katahira Campus of Tohoku University.
The center aims to realize resilient ICT technologies and revitalize local economic activities in disaster-stricken areas by promoting collaborative research among industry, academia and government.
Department Resilient ICT Research Center Planning and Collaboration Promotion Office
Person in-charge Kenji TANAKA
TEL 022-713-7511
Address 2-1-3, Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi, Japan