World Bosai EXPO

World Bosai EXPO Exhibitor

Japan Bosai Platform

Saving Before Disaster



JBP Bosai Solution Database

Find DRR Solutions Which Fit Your Needs

JBP’ s free online database, the Bosai Solution Database, assists local and central government agencies in finding the most appropriate technology to meet their needs. Solution Map is a database of cutting-edge bosai technologies, developed by JBP member companies, with proven track records. Bosai Solution Database serves as a virtual shopping mall of bosai solution providers. Interested parties can search for appropriate technologies to meet their needs, and send inquiries, all directly through Bosai Solution Database.

Organization Japan Bosai Platform
Information Japan Bosai Platform, JBP is an association of Japanese private companies with leading bosai solutions. Our goal is to make society disaster resilient and sustainable by sharing Japanese bosai solutions with the world.
JBP’s strength lies in the cooperation and wide-ranging technologies of its more than 100 member companies and organizations. Unlike a private company, our neutrality enables us to respond rapidly with optimized solutions. We are helping countries around the world to invest before disasters to save lives and strengthen their economies.
Department Secretariat
Person in-charge Shinobu Kotani
TEL +81-3-6273-3545
Address SENQ Kasumigaseki, Nittochi Building 2F, 1-4-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan