World Bosai EXPO

World Bosai EXPO Exhibitor

Miyagi Prefecture Tagajo High School

Everyone Has the Ability to Create the Future


The Disaster Science Course develops disaster prevention education from a scientific perspective to protect lives and livelihoods from disasters. This education allows students to understand various issues facing society as their own personal matter and to investigate them scientifically for a better world. Students of the course will present the practice of disaster education.

Organization Miyagi Prefecture Tagajo High School
Information We established the Disaster Science Course, the second of its kind in Japan and the first science department in Japan to specialize in disaster prevention, and are engaged in a variety of disaster prevention and mitigation activities. As a pilot school for disaster prevention, mitigation, and transmission, we are exploring the transmission of memories of the disaster and disaster preparedness, as well as conducting exchange activities with various people to protect lives and livelihoods from disasters.
Department Disaster Science Course
Person in-charge Ishiyama Shunta
Address 2-17-1 Kasagami, Tagajo City, Miyagi, Japan