World Bosai EXPO

World Bosai EXPO Exhibitor

NPO Toshibousai Kenkyukai (NPO Urban Disaster Prevention Study Group)

Welfare & Disaster Prevention



Photograph collection of Yokhama immediately after「The Great Kanto Earthquake」

Welfare & Disaster Prevention

The colletion of photographs of the devastation in Yokohama immidiately after The Great Kanto Earthquake that occurred on Sept. 1, 1923. The photos were taken by Harunosuke Nkano, who was commissioned by Yokohama City.

Photo recording of the activities of the study group

Welfare & Disaster Prevention

Introduction of the activities of lectures and disaster prevention lectures held by the study group.

Organization NPO Toshibousai Kenkyukai (NPO Urban Disaster Prevention Study Group)
Information NPO Toshibousai Kenkyukai (The NPO Urban Disaster Prevention Study Group) officially started on March 22,1997 with its firsut general meeting.
We hold disaster preparation lectures on the theme of "community development for welfare and disaster prevention" and prepare for disaster~ "self help" "mutural help" and "public assistance".
Department Administration Dept.
Person in-charge Yoshiaki TSURUTANI
Address 1-33-17, Higiriyama,kounan-Ku,Yokohama-City,Kanagawa-Pref.JAPAN, Japan