[S02] Towards International and Multidisciplinary Collaboration for a Resilient Society -Core research cluster for disaster science
Organizer | IRIDeS, Tohoku University |
- Core research cluster for disaster science
- International research collaboration
It has been 8 years since Tohoku University was designated as the Designated National University in June 2017. With the selection, the ‘Core Research Cluster of Disaster Science’ (CRCDS) was established, with members of the International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS), Tohoku University, and has made a great effort to expand advanced disaster science studies and build an international and interdisciplinary collaborative network. By looking at the latest scientific and academic activities, this session discusses how the activities of CRCDS help to systematize “disaster science” by strengthening international research collaboration and building a more resilient society, as well as the way that CRCDS needs to follow down the road.The session also includes reporting on the global collaboration of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), which is a consortium of 61 research universities in 17 economies of the Pacific Rim. Formed in 1997, APRU fosters collaboration between member universities, researchers, and policymakers, contributing to economic, scientific, and cultural advancement in this region. Its international secretariat is located at the Cyberport in Hong Kong.