[S04] International academic collaboration between TU and UCL in disaster science and joint Ph.D initiative
Conference Bldg 2F - Tachibana Conference Hall
Organizer | IRIDeS, Tohoku University |
- Disaster science
- Higher education
- International collaboration
Tohoku University and University College London (UCL) have fostered a university-wide, interdisciplinary educational and research partnership based on a strategic collaboration. This partnership has yielded significant achievements, particularly in the fields of resilience and disaster-related studies. Beyond collaborative research, both institutions have engaged in shared participation across multiple graduate programs at Tohoku University, cultivating a commitment to excellence for the international community through over a decade of researcher and student exchanges, joint supervision, and other initiatives. Since 2022, the partnership has also been selected for Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) “Inter-University Exchange Project: Strengthening University Connectivity with the Indo- Pacific Region and Beyond.” This has allowed for the implementation of international exchange and education programs aimed at building a resilient society, with the ultimate goal of establishing a joint degree program. In this session, participating researchers and students from Japan and the UK will present the progressof this initiative, future directions, and contributions to capacity-building in the disaster risk reduction field.