

[F05] Analyzing the complex interactions between risk components using the Impact Chain methodology: applications from mountain regions worldwide

Fri. March 7, 2025 12:00-12:15
Sendai International Center
Conference Bldg 2F - Sakura Hall
Language : English
Affiliation United Nations University EHS
Presenter schneiderbauer stefan


  • Multi-risk analysis
  • Impact Chains
  • Adaptation planning


Climate-related risks and impacts are systemic and multifaceted. The underlying hazardous processes and risk factors are increasingly interconnected in our complex and globalised realities. As changing climate conditions lead to intensified extreme weather events, multi-risks and multi-hazards are expected to become more frequent. This is particularly relevant for mountain regions where climate-related hazards contribute to an increase in disasters affecting a growing number of populations and areas further downstream. Concurrently, in many mountain areas, growing pressures on livelihoods and communities strongly influence the vulnerability and exposure to hazardous processes and affect the ability of socio-environmental systems to cope with future risks.
The science risk community recognizes the interconnected nature of risk, yet current methodologies for risk analysis and assessment fall short in addressing respective complexities.
Facing these complexities Eurac Research in collaboration with partners, has developed an approach called Impact Chain (IC) that systematically and comprehensively represents interactions among all risk components. It allows for the identification of specific risk pathways and of entry points for adaptation actions. The generation of such ICs is based on a participatory process. This contribution shortly introduces the IC methodology and showcases successful applications focusing on mountain areas.