

[F10] The Resilience of Seaweed Cultivation in Tohoku: Navigating Natural Hazards and Climate Change

Fri. March 7, 2025 13:15-13:30
Sendai International Center
Conference Bldg 2F - Sakura Hall
Language : English
Affiliation Tohoku University
Presenter Narisawa Miku


  • Seaweed Cultivation
  • Climate Change
  • Fishery


The Resilience of Seaweed Cultivation in Tohoku: Navigating Natural Hazards and Climate Change

Miyagi Prefecture, located in the northen part of Japan has thrived for its seaweed (nori) cultivation, benefiting from a rich natural environment and high nutrient flow from the Zao Mountains. Sendai Bay, in particular, holds ideal conditions for aquaculture for its geographical environment. However, this area was severely impacted by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, which left lasting damage to the local fisheries industry.
This presentation examines the narrative of resilience among seaweed farmers in Miyagi, tracing their journey from the aftermath of the 2011 earthquake to current challenges with climate change. It also explores how these fishers have adapted to the uncertainty of environmental threats, including rising water temperatures and fluctuating nutrient balances, which have increasingly destabilized marine ecosystems. Their livelihood will highlight the broader lessons we can learn from their commitment to the ocean, emphasizing the intersection of tradition, adaptation, and sustainability.
With the impacts of climate change over the past five years, where local seaweed farmers have experienced significant disruptions in both ecological and economic system in seaweed production. Through their stories, we gain understandings on the resilience of both individuals and communities in response to complex environmental changes to achieve sustainable aquaculture and environmental stewardship.