

[F07] Addressing Cognitive Spatio-Temporal Decay in Disaster Event Cognition: Effects and Applications of Media Arts and Popular Culture in Japan

Fri. March 7, 2025 14:30-14:45
Sendai International Center
Conference Bldg 2F - Sakura Hall
Language : English
Affiliation Tohoku University
Presenter 齋藤 玲


  • Spatio-Temporal Decay
  • Disaster Event Cognition
  • Media Arts and Popular Culture


Cognition (interest, memory, and awareness) of disaster events tends to decay over time and with increasing geographical distance (Saito et al., 2022; in print). This phenomenon can be described as the spatial-temporal decay of disaster event cognition. As time passes after a disaster event, approaches to mitigating this decay inevitably become more limited. Even without the passage of time, approaches must be carefully designed in regions far from the disaster event due to the suppressive effects of geographical distance. This study focuses on media arts and popular culture in Japan, mapping their effects and exploring how these effects can be applied.