Greetings from the founder
Twenty-five years have passed since a tornado killed more than 700 people in Bangladesh in 1996, which led me to become deeply involved in disaster risk reduction in developing countries. Although progress has been made in international cooperation for disaster risk reduction in the past quarter century, the number of victims caused by large-scale disasters has remained. In 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami killed around 20,000 people. These sacrifices must never be forgotten.
There has been a great deal of lessons learned from Tohoku recovery in the last 10 years, but those have not been always correctly shared with the rest of the world. Being supported by all over the world in the recovery phase, we have a mission to disseminate those in a good way.
There, we came up with an idea to organize an international disaster risk reduction event in Tohoku where not only experts but also interested citizens can join and share their experiences.
If you support our activities to help reduce disaster risk in the world, we would like to ask you of generous contribution.
Thank you very much.
Founder, World BOSAI Forum
Yuichi Ono
Yuichi Ono
founder of the World BOSAI Forum
He likes climatology, severe storms, and tornadoes. He is also keen to international disaster risk reduction policy. He has been involved in the formulation of international disaster risk reduction policies at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO, Geneva), the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR, Geneva, Bonn), and the United Nations Economic and Social Council for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP, Bangkok). After being outside of Japan for nearly 20 years, he came back to Japan and became a professor of the International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS) at Tohoku University in 2012. He concurrently serves as Director of the Global Centre for Disaster Statistics at the IRIDeS.

*Because the World BOSAI Forum is a general incorporated foundation, individual donations are not eligible for income or tax credits, unlike public interest corporations. Please note that corporate donations are subject to the general deductible limit, but not the separate deductible limit.(Donations from within Japan)
Request for Donations
The activities of the World BOSAI Forum are supported by donation.
Having received a large number of inquiries regarding cooperation with our activities in response to the spread of the new coronavirus, The Nippon Foundation has begun accepting donations to support its response.
The entire amount of donations received will be used to support the activities of the World BOSAI Forum Foundation. We ask for your cooperation as we work to reduce disaster risk from Tohoku.
Request for Donations
We look forward to your kind donations. Please follow the link below.
Monthly Support
- Supporters who donate USD 10 per month, Supporters who donate USD 25 per month,
- Supporters who donate USD 5 per month
- Quarterly activity reports as well as an annual report will be sent by email.
Bank transfer
If you would like to make a bank transfer, please follow the information here. Please let us know when you make the payment.
Transfer address
The 77 Bank (0125) Hachimancho Branch (256) Normal 5020691
World BOSAI Forum
Founder: Yuichi Ono
Bequests and large donations
Please contact us.
Corporate donation
We welcome not only cash, but also goods, services, support in human resources, good ideas, etc., and help with public relations and fundraising activities of the World BOSAI Forum. Considering the various supports, we received, we are considering the following returns.
Invitation to the World BOSAI Forum, provision of lectures, internal training and education activities in your company, and assistance with your company's networking with international communities.
If interested, please contact with our office.
We are planning a crowdfunding campaign for the World BOSAI Walk Tohoku + 10. It will be notified on our website. Thank you for your support.
(Currently preparing)
Ken Yoshino (Secretary-General)
I am not very good at English, but I will definitely reply. We look forward to the support from people all over the world.