project aboutus

Supporting the development of a World Bosai Museum Network

Objects attacked by Tsunami

border iconSupporting the museum network

We will support the development of a network of museums related to disasters risk reduction where citizens can feel familiar with disaster risk reduction.

Museums are very important as a place where people can learn about disaster risk reduction in a fun way, but at present, there is no list of such museums in Japan or even in the world.

There is a tsunami museum in Hawaii, USA, a hurricane museum in Texas, a tsunami museum in Aceh, Indonesia, a tsunami museum in Phuket, Thailand, a tsunami museum run by a community in Sri Lanka, an earthquake museum in Wenzhou, China, and many others in Japan.

The first step is to create and publish a list of these museums and build a loose network of museums that can cooperate with each other.

By creating a system that allows museums to communicate with each other and share exhibits virtually, we aim to support the creation of citizen-friendly museums and increase awareness of BOSAI.

We will also plan a special session at the World BOSAI Forum, which is held regularly.

As many museums are forced to close due to the spread of coronavirus infection, we hear that many of them are facing management problems.

We would also like to explore good ideas for solutions in the network.


Our activities are supported by your donations.
