World Bosai EXPO

World Bosai EXPO Exhibitor

World Bosai Forum

Aiming to reduce disaster risk through Kiko-hen What each of us can do


What should we do, Kiko-hen? What each of us can do

Aiming to reduce disaster risk through Kiko-hen

The term “Kiko-hen” is a message to encourage people to think about how to change their behavior (hen) in order to reduce the risk of disasters caused by climate change (kiko).
It is said that disasters are becoming more frequent and severe due to global warming. Not only disaster prevention experts, but also individuals, companies and governments need to think about how to reduce disaster risk in their daily lives and work.We are also looking for foster parents for the official mascot of the World Disaster Reduction Forum, “Ono-kun”!

Organization World Bosai Forum
Information World Bosai Forum is an international citizens' forum that originated in Japan and brings together disaster risk reduction experts from industry, government, academia and civil society from Japan and overseas. It was started in the Tohoku region, which experienced the Great East Japan Earthquake, with the hope of not wanting to see any more people suffer from disasters. This forum has the unique characteristic of being open to the general public as well as disaster risk reduction specialists. It aims to be an international platform for free and dynamic discussions on disaster risk reduction, unlike the United Nations, where national interests clash, or academic conferences, which tend to be limited to specialists. Our foundation is mainly responsible for managing this forum.
Person in-charge Ken Yoshino
Address 468-1 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi Prefecture International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University, E501, Japan