
Poster Session Information

[P02] A study of evaluation index for floating device in tsunami disaster

Fri. March 7, Sat. March 8, 2025
Sendai International Center
Conference Bldg 2F - Sakura Hall
Affiliation Office for Establishment of New Faculty, Akita University
Author 門廻 充侍
Co-Author 北村昭典
今村文彦(東北大学 災害科学国際研究所)


  • Life jackets
  • Tsunami shelters
  • Automatic inflatable covered lifeboats


The National Diet Library operates the HINAGIKU website, which is a single point of access for finding information about the Great East Japan Earthquake. The HINAGIKU interface allows users to search for records or documents issued by the news media, public agencies, or private organizations as well as research products from universities, academic societies, and research institutes. HINAGIKU’s mission is to ensure that all information and lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake will be available to future generations for use in implementing disaster mitigation as well as the restoration and reconstruction of areas affected by natural disasters. We hope that this poster exhibit, as it did in 2023, will enhance participants’ awareness of HINAGIKU and its usefulness as a data resource for research into disaster mitigation and a tool for disaster preparedness education.