
Poster Sessions

Dates Fri. March 7, Sat. March 8, 2025
Venue Sendai International Center
Conference Bldg 2F - Sakura Hall

Poster Sessions List


P01 Development of Disaster Education in China

Tohoku University


P02 A study of evaluation index for floating device in tsunami disaster

Office for Establishment of New Faculty, Akita University

門廻 充侍

P03 National Diet Library Great East Japan Earthquake Archive (HINAGIKU)

National Diet Library

相原 雅樹

P04 Disaster prevention promotion activities using a fire truck-type kitchen car and entertainment.

Japan Fire and Disaster Prevention UNITE

安藤 裕樹 鈴木 亮/Ryo Suzuki 佐々木 美幸/Miyuki Sasaki 田中 樹/Itsuki Tanaka

P05 Challenging a New Frontiers of Disaster Risk Reduction: Outreach through Multidisciplinary Collaboration and Social Implementation of Risk Response

Tohoku University

金野 直人  池本敦哉/Atsuya Ikemoto 宮岸太一/Taichi Miyagishi

P06 An approach towards quantifying and minimizing basis risk in tsunami parametric insurance scheme

School of Engineering, Tohoku University

三木  優志

P07 How extreme precipitation complexity affects regional-scaled flood hazard assessment: A case study of Miyagi Prefecture

IRIDeS, Tohoku University

鄭 安棋

P08 Improving Indonesia's Early Warning System: A Hybrid Artifical Intelligence Solution for Offshore Sensor Optimization

Tohoku University

Purnama Muhammad Rizki

P09 In-depth community response to tsunami infrastructure, Disaster Risk Reduction measures and future sea-level rise in Kesennuma, Miyagi, Japan.

Tohoku University

Leggett Hayley

P10 Assessing tsunami risk to the global port network: A South China Sea case-study

Tohoku University

Chua Constance

P11 Development of a Resilient Smart Network System against Natural Disasters

National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience

佐野 裕美 鈴木 康嗣 髙橋 郁夫

P12 Development of a Framework for BOSAI Co-creation Class Integrating Cognitive Sciences and Educational Practices: Potential and Future Directions

Tohoku University

齋藤 玲

P13 Submarine Landslide Induced Tsunami Modeling Using 3D Slope Stability Analysis Method: The 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake and Tsunami in Toyama Bay, Japan

IRIDeS, Tohoku University

Al Farizi Muhammad Daffa

P14 Amplified tsunami in Iida Bay following the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake, Japan

Tohoku University

菊田 歩佳

P15 Assemblages and the Logic of Care of Disaster Rehabilitation: What kind of actor should be enabled to support the earthquake and heavy rain on Noto Peninsula?

Tohoku University

土田 亮

P16 Coral Reef Protectiveness Against Tsunamis Weakens by Forty Percent Under Climate Change in the Maldives

Tohoku University

Lahcene Elisa

P17 実際の津波避難時の渋滞の経験や目撃が今後の避難行動に与える影響

Tohoku University

星 美沙希

P18 From Alert to Action: Earthquake Early Warning and Deaf Communities

Gallaudet University

高山 亨太 Audrey Cooper オードリー・クーパー

P19 Tsunami deposits study for long term risk assessment

Tohoku University IRIDeS

Salvati Arthur 猪瀬大輝

P20 Overlaying Landmark Information on Aerial Images

Shizuoka University

下田 和奏

P21 Accuracy of Global Datasets for Long-Term Tsunami Exposure Evolution Analysis: A Case Study in Banda Aceh Two Decades After The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.

Osaka University

Amra Rajuli

P22 Training Junior and Senior High School Students to become Disaster Prevention Leaders to Strengthen Community Resilience in Youth Education Facilities

National Institution For Youth Education

松浦 賢一 小野 杏紗/ ONO AZUSA 前田 こまち/ MAEDA KOMACHI 山口 優空/ YAMAGUCHI SORA

P23 Post-Earthquake Housing Recovery with Traditional Construction

Kyoto University

王 靜瑩

P24 Detection of River Areas Using Drone Aerial Videos

Shizuoka University

細川 典真

P25 Applicability of land surface water mapping using water indices derived from optical satellite data for flood inundation detection

Tohoku University

三浦 耀平

P26 The Reconstruction of Noto Peninsula Earthquake 2024: Realities and Challenges of Rural Communities


山下 良平

P27 An investigation into the characteristics of information that influences tsunami evacuation behavior using VR content

Miyagi Prefectural Sendai Nika High School

今井 菜々子 三浦 悠人/Yuto Miura

P28 Disaster Educational Programs for Children with Special Needs 20 Years After the 2004 Tsunami: An Interdisciplinary Study of a Special Support School in Banda Aceh in Indonesia

Tohoku University

Boret Sebastien

P29 RESILIAGE: Heritage for Disaster Risk Reduction

Politecnico di Torino university, Italy

Tamborrino Rosa

P30 Disaster Risk Management Strategy for Coastal Flood Risks Due to Climate Change in South Korea

IRIDeS, Tohoku University

朴 慧晶

P31 The warning system in flood disasters, case study from Chiang Mai, Thailand presenter:Dr. Siripen Iamurai(SiPa Research Organization)

SiPa Research Organization


P32 Pediatric thyroid cancer in Fukushima: politics of risk and civil engagement

Tohoku University

Ramponi Chiara

P33 Adaptive Vision Transformers for Enhanced Semantic Segmentation in River Landscape Monitoring and Disaster Management

Taiwan Tech

Sahoo Jyostnamayee

P34 Disaster Information Seeking and Preventative Behaviors of Foreign Residents in Kobe City

Kobe University

Meidinger Bethany

P35 User Interface Design for Volunteered Disaster Image Collection Application on Smart Devices Presenter;Shih Hsien Yang(Taiwan Tech)

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Yang Zih-Jing

P36 Refining Tsunami Evacuation Measures in Khao Lak: Insights from Agent-Based Simulation

Asian Institute of Technology

Trumikaborworn Nattapon

P37 PANJAPA Model: Developing Youth Leaders for Tsunami Preparedness in Phang Nga Province, Thailand

Earthquake Research Center of Thailand


P38 Integrating machine learning in tsunami damage assessment for buildings and roads: insights from the 2011 Japan tsunami

University of LAquila

Scorzini Anna Rita

P39 Empirical fragility asssement of buildings exposed to ground shaking and tsunami based on 2011 Great Japan earthquake data


ioannou ioanna

P40 Implementation of a Practical Educational Program Aiming to Realize a Multicultural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Community Connected by International Students

Shinshu University

仙石 祐