
Poster Session Information

[P12] Development of a Framework for BOSAI Co-creation Class Integrating Cognitive Sciences and Educational Practices: Potential and Future Directions

Fri. March 7, Sat. March 8, 2025
Sendai International Center
Conference Bldg 2F - Sakura Hall
AffiliationTohoku University
Author齋藤 玲
Co-AuthorMuramoto Toshiaki(Tohoku University)
Sugawara Koichi(Miyagi University of Education)


  • The nature of human cognition
  • Co-creation
  • Disaster education


Previous practical research has designed and evaluated BOSAI co-creation classes primarily targeting upper elementary school students. These classes integrate cognitive sciences and psychology with educational practices. The classes aim to explain how humans perceive and process information from a scientific perspective through quizzes and group work, including children’s presentations. The group work encourages children to think about disaster-related scenarios involving cognitive biases to deepen their understanding of how humans think and process information. The most recent progressive practical research has expanded upon this by broadening the target learners and adding new content. This study develops a framework, clarifies the classes’ potential, and proposes future directions by reflecting on previous practices.