[P17] 実際の津波避難時の渋滞の経験や目撃が今後の避難行動に与える影響
Affiliation | Tohoku University |
Author | 星 美沙希 |
Co-Author | 佐藤 翔輔(東北大学災害科学国際研究所) 今村 文彦(東北大学災害科学国際研究所) |
- Tsunami
- Traffic congestion
- Means of evacuation
When evacuating from a tsunami, people is generally required to walk because of the risk of traffic congestion/jam when evacuating by car. However, traffic congestion caused by car evacuation has occurred in past tsunami disasters, including the Noto Peninsula earthquake in 2024. In order to reduce the number of people who are unable to reach safety due to traffic congestion, it is necessary to reduce the number of car evacuations. Kawai et al. (2023) showed that simulation of individual evacuation behavior and traffic congestion/jam may be effective in promoting evacuation on foot. Based on this, this study aims to find out whether seeing and recognizing actual traffic congestion, rather than simulated traffic congestion, promotes evacuation on foot during future tsunami evacuations, through a questionnaire survey of residents in Ishikawa, Toyama, and Niigata prefectures, in the case of the Noto Peninsula earthquake. In addition, the survey will also consider factors related to the decision to change from car evacuation to evacuation on foot, such as gender and age, the number of household members, the number of persons requiring evacuation support, personal characteristics, thoughts on car transportation, and whether individuals or families had made evacuation plans in advance.