
Poster Session Information

[P32] Pediatric thyroid cancer in Fukushima: politics of risk and civil engagement

Fri. March 7, Sat. March 8, 2025
Sendai International Center
Conference Bldg 2F - Sakura Hall
AffiliationTohoku University
AuthorRamponi Chiara


  • Thyroid cancer risk
  • Nuclear fall-out
  • Fukushima


The research explores the medical controversy surrounding cases of pediatric thyroid cancer emerging after the Fukushima disaster, and seeks to examine both the epistemological aspects of the debate, within the framework of radiation science, and the activities of two civic associations set up to support patients and their families.

The first part provides an overview of the epidemiological assessment of these cancers and the clinical examinations carried out since 2011 by Fukushima Medical University. While national and international health authorities (including UNSCEAR and WHO) attribute the high number of diagnoses to the use of advanced technologies, ruling out the possibility of a link with the nuclear accident, citizens' associations and collaborating experts denounce biased exposure estimates and methodological flaws. My analysis aims to show how screening and the scientific communication surrounding it reproduce discursive tendencies and rhetorical strategies observed in Chernobyl, aimed at “invisibilizing” the link between health risk and radiation.

The second part focuses on the role of associations, which pursue three objectives: to challenge the official assessment, to provide financial support for patients and to offer moral support in the face of social stigmatization. The research also seeks to provide an initial framework for the analysis of the civil lawsuit brought by 7 patients against TEPCO, which provides a forum for challenging the official narrative of reconstruction and disaster as an event finally overcome.