
Poster Session Information

[P11] Development of a Resilient Smart Network System against Natural Disasters

Fri. March 7, Sat. March 8, 2025
Sendai International Center
Conference Bldg 2F - Sakura Hall
AffiliationNational Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience
Author佐野 裕美
鈴木 康嗣
髙橋 郁夫


  • Disaster prevention
  • Resilient Smart Network System
  • Digital twin


We will introduce one of the Strategic Innovation Program (SIP) projects: Development of a Resilient Smart Network System against Natural Disasters
We aim to advance “Information collection and analysis to support disaster response” and “to enhance the disaster response capabilities of individuals, local governments, and businesses” by highly integrating real-world and cyber-space systems and leveraging advanced ICT, AI, and other cutting-edge technologies.

With wind and flood damage becoming more frequent and severe due to climate change, and the imminent threat of a national disaster-level earthquake, such as the Nankai Trough earthquake or one directly beneath the Tokyo metropolitan area, we aim to strengthen and enhance the disaster response capabilities of the national government, local governments, businesses, and individuals.
Our goal in building a smart disaster prevention network is to create a safe, secure, and disaster-resilient society.