
Poster Session Information

[P04] Disaster prevention promotion activities using a fire truck-type kitchen car and entertainment.

Fri. March 7, Sat. March 8, 2025
Sendai International Center
Conference Bldg 2F - Sakura Hall
AffiliationJapan Fire and Disaster Prevention UNITE
Author安藤 裕樹
鈴木 亮/Ryo Suzuki
佐々木 美幸/Miyuki Sasaki
田中 樹/Itsuki Tanaka


  • New collaborations
  • Disaster preparedness awareness
  • Diversity


We would like to introduce the activities that firefighters, fire brigades, and disaster prevention specialists are engaged in “together”. We participate in local festivals and various events using a fire truck-type kitchen car. We will also introduce an example of involving “people who had few opportunities to be involved in disaster prevention” that we met during our activities. Specifically, we support the Noto Peninsula, collaborate with companies to hold disaster prevention festivals, introduce BCP, and hold lectures for parents on disaster prevention. The presentation will share how they have succeeded in involving a large number of people by targeting “people who have had few opportunities to be involved in disaster reduction. We will also present our goals for the future.