(37)Advanced approach to earthquake disaster prevention


K-Opticom Corporation, Kyoto University


Toshiro Tachibana
Director, K-Opticom Corporation
Ken Umeno
Professor, Kyoto University


Professor Umeno and colleagues in Kyoto University have been focusing on the anomalies in total electron content (TEC) of the ionosphere. The team has developed a method for detecting such anomalies based on GPS data obtained from multiple observatories before earthquakes. They have also shown that such phenomena had preceded both the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes, and suggested that an ability to identify such anomalies in real time could make it possible to predict magnitude-seven quakes 20 to 60 minutes in advance. In this session, in addition to the introduction of Professor Umeo's research, we will introduce the collaborative research towards practical application with K-Opticom Corporation.